WSF has moved! Starting September 2010, we have launched a new website, Facebook fan page, and revamped twitter page! We are also now connected on Flickr, Digg, and Vimeo! Check the links below for all our profiles, and stay connected through our website, which now features Facebook/Twitter integration, RSS, and an Upcoming Events calendar!
Well... numbers are down and people apparently do not enjoy running for positions anymore. Can't even remember the last time there was any competition for President. But OH WELL, makes it easier for some of you.
Congrats to Stephens, Perrow, and Fritz for scaring off the competition enough to be the only ones running for their positions. Also congrats to default winners Caroline Douville and Sasha Goldstein who will be your VP Finance and VP Media next year.
Let the competition begin for Social and Tremblant! Haha man are we lame.
Voting for these positions will take place in the Spoke next Wednesday and Thursday from noon till 4. Only members of the WSF can vote. See you there!
Mike Stephens
Year/Faculty- 3rd year BMOS
Position applying for- Pres.
Why does this position suit you? Obama says yes I can!
What can you bring to WSF? 1) 3 Years of WSF experience 2) Really really good looks 3) Leopard print snuggie
What is your favourite hill, why? Boler, because you can liquor in the p-lot between park runs.
Favourite song: wasted – Gucci mane. Favourite beverage: 4litres of cooking wine served in an elegant jug. Favourite spice girl: ginger spice, wasn’t she in a porno or something?
Word association- Yug: mr. layhey Greasy: chat-roulette Hair Brushes: USELESS! Coozie: bird
Mike Perrow
Year/Faculty- Victory Lap BMOS
Why does this position suit you? President was taken
What can you bring to WSF? Positive attitude, experience and a little red rain.
What is your favourite WSF moment? Stephens walking around tremblant in a cheeta snuggie
What is your favourite hill, why? This year..tremblant..all time .. fernie
Favourite song : shimmy shimmy ya - ODB Beverage: 4 60’s of vodka…at once.. Spice Girl: spunky spice
Word association- Yug: Mike stephens Greasy….mike stephens. Hair Brushes: ..mike stephens Coozie..jeff kalman
Caroline Douville
Year/Faculty: 3rd/ Social Sci (BMOS)
Why does this position suit you? Might as well put my accounting major to good use?
What can you bring to WSF? French lessons for anyone interested in wheeling locals at Tremblant
What is your favourite WSF moment? Learning a new meaning for the acronym ATM… never again a financial term
What is your favourite hill, why? Chantecler – gotta stay true to your roots
Favourite song: The thrill - Wiz Khalifa vs. Empire of the Sun Favourite beverage: Root Beer Float Favourite spice girl: Ginger.
Word association Yug: Guy (Yug backwards – you get?) Greasy: Trailer Trash Hair Brushes: Headbands Coozie: Noune
April Mason Name is April Mason, idol of COURSE is April O'Niel... Will you be my Donatello? Faculty is Social Sci and Next year a will be a 4th year BMOS student.
Why does this position suit you? Tremblant has always been the GEM of the WSF year for me. I knew that this trip was something i wanted to be apart of, something that i could make my baby from my very first season with the WSF. I ran for the position as a "pup" during my first year but was outdone by our beloved Mike Stephens. With a few pointers from him and input from everyone in the club im sure that i can make next year's trip as epic and memorable as it has been in years preceeding.
What can you bring to WSF? My close friendships with WSF executives both past and present i think has put me in an excellent position. I`ve had the privilege of seeing how the club functions effectively and what its weaknesses are. This knowledge, together with the formal skills and networks that i have acquired working with Burton have given me great ideas of how the exec's can take this club another step further in the coming year. Though the WSF has received notable industry recognition in the past, i want to make sure that the WSF and its members CANNOT be ignored. I want to open doors for us and get the WSF access to the people and resources that can turn personal dreams and ambitions into reality for young aspiring riders. Better yet, i want to ensure that the WSF is around forever bringing new generations of Western student that same insane great times it has given me. No SuggestionEdit...'
What is your favourite WSF moment? Oh Geeze! Has to be "PG" eh? ... Can't think of any ONE that sticks out - the club in itself has given me some of the most unforgetable times of my life. One that i will surely never forget is hiking a kilometer up tremblant after SOMEONE ( uuuuuhhhmmm, BLAIR! ) decided to take us into the middle of nowhere on closed run. Though I loved it because i got to spend time with amazing friends, talk, joke, reminisce about the previous night's adventures, WHILE on the side of a mountain with my snowboard... Sun, snow, and some slightly rediculous good times. DOESN'T get better than that. Or there was the time that Blair did belly shots off me at Cafe-de-Puck... haha, ohhhhh Puck.
What is your favourite hill, why? Fav hill... Villard de Lans, Grenoble, France. Some of the most EPIC off piece i've ever boarded.
Favourite song, Beverage and Spice Girl: Song... Beverage = CEASERS!! Theme of tremblant 08/09 and my 09 Summer. Delicious, nutritious, and spicy! Spice girl = Sporty... she was a giant lesbian, hahahaha
Word association- Yug: Yeti-bug... A bug that is a yeti... DONT QUESTION MY LOGIC!! Well, I know all about Stephen's actual Yug. Sounds like some epic tremblant times - So sad i missed tremblant this year!! Greasy: HAHAHA, Pirak's hair after a night out... or a day of boarding, or a 3 day bender, or really any time where he is his lovable self! Will miss you next year my love! Question though, what is the real story behind this word-assoc.? anyone? Hair Brushes: Back scratch? ooohhhhhhhh, could so go for one right now.... Coozie: Saaaad.... coozie = me missing tremblant 2009/2010 because i am in freaking europe... NEXT YEAR! NEXT YEAR I WILL RETURN WITH AVENGENCE!! EEEEPIC!!
Maddie Simandl
Year/Faculty- 3rd Health Science
Why does this position suit you? This trip RUNSS my life. Around December every year I start to get so pumped for Tremblant, I lose sleep. Christmas and New Years can’t even compare. I want to make this year huge.
What can you bring to WSF? less than mediocre park skills & luscious locks
What is your favourite WSF moment? Parka party on TJ’s patio in March ‘07. One of my first WSF events, it was fab. I wish patios were open ALL YEAR ROUND.
What is your favourite hill, why? Tremblant. -40degrees, ridiculous fog, or a killer hangover and I still want make the first gondi. Plus, you’ll all be there next year.
Favourite song: Right Hand Hi – Kid Sister
Favourite beverage: chocolate milk
Favourite spice girl: scary spice. she’s bad ass and every white blonde girl wishes she got to play scary instead of baby... didn’t they? Baby was sooo lame! Mel B’s got the flavaa.
Word association- Yug: “Stephens” Greasy: “JBRs” Hair Brushes: “useless” Coozie: ...excuse my french...“c*nt”
Adam Coulter
Year/Faculty- 1st geek
Why does this position suit you? Cuz I'm an alcoholic, insomniac, and socialist
What can you bring to WSF? -many a box socials, hopefully some sort of swag via the support...salomon/bonfire/spy swag anyone?
What is your favourite WSF moment? -kissin thee biggest o' the babes on the tremblant trip...aoww
What is your favourite hill, why? -Whistler in the summer cuz o' riding, Blue Mountain in the winter cuz o' the CASG
Favourite song: -AZ Ft Nas-The Essence Remix Favourite beverage: -glass o' vodka Favourite spice girl: -None. They all suck
Word association- Yug: Liquor Greasy: Calgary Meth friends Hair Brushes: clean dome Coozie: WSF back up plan
Dylan O'Leary
Year/Faculty- 2nd Year Social Science
Why does this position suit you?
The VP Social position suits me first and foremost because I'm a friendly and social person. Not only do I really enjoy having a good time myself, but I also recognize the importance of social events to create the friendly dynamic that WSF is widely known for. I will work hard to ensure this dynamic continues throughout the 2010/2011 year by diligently planning and seeing all social events through to a successful end.
What can you bring to WSF?
I can bring a cheery disposition, a passion for snowboarding, and a pretty decent mustache.
What is your favorite WSF moment?
I love stopping at the grocery store when we're 30 minutes from Tremblant. All of the pent-up excitement leading up to the weekend feels better than christmas.
What is your favourite hill, why?
My favorite hill is Kicking Horse in Golden BC. I like Kicking Horse because my buddies have cabins out there which gives it a perfect balance between long runs, amazing snow, and socializing with some interesting people.
Favourite song: The Man in Me- Bob Dylan Favourite beverage: Gin and Tonic Favourite spice girl: Scary Spice, but I could out scare her.
Word association- Yug: lug Greasy: hair Hair Brushes: need one Coozie: green
Angela Serra
Year/Faculty- 2nd year, Arts and Humanities
Why does this position suit you? I get involved! I love planning events..everything from birthdays to ugly Christmas sweater parties...and I also love attending these events. I try to get as many people as I can involved to attend, especially WSF ones! I'm GREAT at convincing people to come out for whatever event there is...because getting involved is really important!
What can you bring to WSF? I'm really insightful and full of ideas. I respect others ideas and I like brainstorming to make sure everyone is heard. Teamwork is key and I like to think that i possess great teamwork skills. I work well with people and I'm very outgoing so I can definitely help get more people to come out to events.
What is your favourite WSF moment? sledge hammer bingo and Burton's womens all aboard event!!
What is your favourite hill, why? Mount St. Louis. they have the BEST hot chocolate ever. I've always had great memories from there, the hills are perfect lengths and its really pretty! the terrain park is pretty sweet too..there always seems to be someone with a pretty high tech video camera there.
Favourite song: tequila sunrise- the eagles Favourite beverage: Shirley temple!
Favourite spice girl: always been Posh spice.
Word association- Yug: Yog Greasy: Italian Hair Brushes: Microphone Coozie: Sweeeet
Sasha Goldstein
Year: 2013 GRAD Faculty: M.I.T
Why does this position suit you? Im the best. Partially a joke, but I have been working with graphics, photography, and web since I was pretty young. I work at a very advanced level in photoshop, as well as dreamweaver, and indesign, final cut and flash to a lesser extent. I've done a fair amount of marketing/advertisement design work in the past (I worked in marketing for a fashion+culture entertainment magazine in Boston - check it out here), so I'm gonna have the skills to make the dopest poster, video, or ad for that next WSF event. I'm also a pretty good writer and a generally fly individual. If you want proof, you can check out a sample of some of the work that I have done over at Additionally, i’m kindof a closet TECNOPHILE, meaning that i'm all up in the social networking sites and internet speak. Vimeo, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, LastFM, MySpace, Newschoolers. you name it. I will definitely be in position to rep WSF so hard that the internet community won't even know what hit it (figuratively speaking, of course). I get hyped about stuff pretty easily, and (as irrelevant as it may be) i'm pretty hard worker.
As far as snowboarding is concerned, I live it in the winter, and I dream about it in the summer. end of discussion. I'd eventually like to work for Transworld, SBC, or another magazine of such caliber, so WSF media would be a very good place for me to start and show off my skill(z)?
What can you bring to WSF? some quick bullets:
* Personality. I'm pretty laid back. Generally a fun person to hang with, and I love to do anything that will distract me from my studies at Western * Passion: I absolutely LOVE to snowboard. it doesn't stop there either. During the summer I longboard and surf to keep by board-steez fresh. * Experience: As mentioned above, i'm very, very experienced in getting people to love not only businesses, but myself * Dedication: I will pull out all the stops every time. I feel like some of the smaller events this year were under-represented (although it could just be my inability to remember to check Facebook for event invites). I'd like to take some steps to fix that. * Teamwork: I'm very good at working with a team. Communicating, collating, sending large amounts of emails, etc etc.
What is your favorite WSF moment? Hmm. Probably the hottub fiascos that went down this year at the hotel in Tremblant. Cheap beer + hottub + large numbers of immature college students = fun!
What is your favorite hill, why? I'm a fan of Whistler, as it happens to be my home turf.
Favorite song, Beverage and Spice Girl: Song? Probably every single song ever written and produced by Atmosphere.. I'm a big indie hip-hop kid. Beverage? Probably a toss-up between Cream Soda or PBR, depending on the time of day. Mmm Spice Girl? Going purely by aesthetic appeal, I’d probably have to say posh spice
Word association: Yug:seriously drunk Greasy:post-session hat head Hair Brushes: something that i've never used? Coozie:WSF! I lost my tremblant coozie and beer just doesn't taste the same any more =(
Jordan Fritz
Year: 3rd Year Health Sci
Why is this Position for you? 1. I want every one to come riding with me! 2. I'll show all the newcomers the hidden sweet deep pow spots 3. Plus I've dunn it before.
What can you bring to WSF? IT
What is your favourite WSF moment? Tremblant: Liquid Cocaine and Chicken Wings apres ski...followed by fist pumping and shirt ripping at De'poque
What is your favourite hill, why? Mt St. Louis Moonstone THE OUTBACK, reppin tha B9
Favourite song: Wana Rage? Warp 1.9-Bloody Beetroots, Wana Ride? Zion I- Caged Bird Part 1 and 2 Beverage: PBR of course Spice Girl: Posh fo SHO
Word Association Yug: Pimp Jacket Greasy: Hobo styles 4 lyfe Hair Brushes: Not Funny Coozie: I got stuck with 5 Orange ones WTF
By now im sure all of you have finished classes for the week. I am sure some of you are either already home, on your way home, stickin around for one last night of fun, or have headed somewhere else to relax or let loose! We here at the WSF hope you choose to do so with a board strapped to your feet.
Here are some ways many of us will spend the week off. Like party in Mexico...
read books??
Most of all, just have fun! See some friends, new or old, catch up with the family and let loooooose!